Chuck is an American action-comedy television program created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working in the CIA; the message embeds the only remaining copy of the world's greatest spy secrets into Chuck's brain.
Produced by College Hill Pictures, Wonderland Sound and Vision and Warner Bros. Television, the series premiered on September 24, 2007, on NBC, airing on Monday nights at 8PM/7c leading into Heroes.On November 26, NBC announced that Chuck received a full season pickup.On February 13, 2008, it was announced by NBC that Chuck has been picked up for a second season in 2008/2009.The second season is scheduled to start on September 29, 2008
Episode List:
Chuck S01E01 - Chuck Vs The Intersect (Pilot)
Chuck S01E02 - Chuck Vs The Helicopter
Chuck S01E03 - Chuck Vs The Tango
Chuck S01E04 - Chuck Vs The Wookiee
Chuck S01E05 - Chuck Vs The Sizzling Shrimp
Chuck S01E06 - Chuck Vs The Sandworm
Chuck S01E07 - Chuck Vs The Alma Mater
Chuck S01E08 - Chuck Vs The Truth
Chuck S01E09 - Chuck Vs The Imported Hard Salami
Chuck S01E10 - Chuck Vs The Nemesis
Chuck S01E11 - Chuck Vs The Crown Vic
Chuck S01E12 - Chuck Vs The Undercover Lover
Chuck S01E13 - Chuck Vs The Marlin
[Ended of season 1]
~ 1 DVD & 1 CD
External links:
# Chuck (TV series) at Wikipedia
# List of Chuck episodes at Wikipedia
Chuck Season 1 (2007)
Ugly Betty Season 1 (2006)
Ugly Betty Season 1 (2006) Episode List:
Ugly Betty S01E01 - Pilot (AKA I Am Not Going To Sell Herbalux)
Ugly Betty S01E02 - The Box And The Bunny
Ugly Betty S01E03 - Queens for A Day
Ugly Betty S01E04 - Swag
Ugly Betty S01E05 - Fey's Sleigh Ride
Ugly Betty S01E06 - The Lyin', The Watch And The Wardrobe
Ugly Betty S01E07 - Trust, Lust, And Must
Ugly Betty S01E08 - After Hours
Ugly Betty S01E09 - Four Thanksgivings And A Funeral
Ugly Betty S01E10 - Lose The Boss?
Ugly Betty S01E11 - Fake Plastic Snow
Ugly Betty S01E12 - Sofia's Choice
Ugly Betty S01E13 - In Or Out
Ugly Betty S01E14 - I'm Coming Out
Ugly Betty S01E15 - Brothers
Ugly Betty S01E16 - Derailed
Ugly Betty S01E17 - Icing On The Cake
Ugly Betty S01E18 - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Ugly Betty S01E19 - Punch Out
Ugly Betty S01E20 - Petra-Gate
Ugly Betty S01E21 - Secretaries' Day
Ugly Betty S01E22 - A Tree Grows In Guadalajara
Ugly Betty S01E23 - East Side Story
[Ended of season 1]
~ 2 DVDs
External links:
# Ugly Betty at Wikipedia
# Ugly Betty (season 1) at Wikipedia